
As a child I have beautiful memories of family holidays – in winter we would spend time at the snow and summer time at the beach or at our houseboat in Lake Eildon… it was the best!

I always wanted to do the same with my children, take them to places in nature where they can explore and enjoy. When Mauro and I get back into the workforce, we can take the girls away and re-connect with nature….take time out together.. yesterday was a little taste of exactly that… we spent most of the day at the Botanical Gardens barefoot through the grass… we were able to incorporate some of the sensory home program for Chiara.. perfect!

Then a pitstop via the beach on the way home… how good is Melbourne’s bayside! I’d love love love to make the sea change in the next few years, and move bayside… not only to be closer to family and the girls with their cousins, but to enjoy the water… the sand.. the sunsets.. the sunrises… to be in waking distance to shops, public transport, schools etc – . The closer we are to these places – less time in a car which is problematic given Chiara’s traumatic response to being in a car – seat!! and also to have a single level entry to make life easier with Chiara. Will slowly put the wheels in motion when the time is right… until then we’ll enjoy the treetops.. we have a pretty amazing view at home 😉

Life has taken us on a very different journey… if someone was to tell us a year ago that we would give birth to a beautiful girl.. yet would spend our days rehabilitating her as a full-time job.. we wouldn’t of believed them… after all we already had a perfectly healthy 4 year old named Grace. But life is like that… it throws all sorts of curve balls when you least expect it… and somehow after the initial shock.. you rise up to the occasion and face it head on.. you learn to live and walk your Dharma.. some days more easier than others.. but compassion gets you through xo

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